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Dabar yra 2025 03 12, 14:38. Visos datos yra GMT + 2 valandos.
Forumas » Telefonija, tinklai, ryšio elektronika » 3Com administrator slaptazodis
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3Com administrator slaptazodis |
Parašytas: 2012 10 21, 09:17 |
Gal kas zinot kaip atstatyti gamyklinius parametrus senam routeriukui "3com 3CRWE52196"?
Zmogelis persiinstaliavo kompiuteri o neatsimena nei vieno slaptazodzio kaip prisijungti prie routerio.Kiek ziurejau administratoriaus slaptazodis irgi pakeistas (default - admin),tad neina ieti ir i jo vidu kazkokiu tai parametru koregavimui...Ant pacio routerio nera jokio mygtuko kurio pagalba butu galima ji nuresetinti.Bet yra login screene stai toks dalykas is kurio jokios naudos,arba kazka netaip darom...--->>>
Citata: |
Forgotten The System Password
If you've not set a System password before, the unit will accept the default password "admin". Remember that all passwords are case sensitive.
If you've changed the System password but cannot remember it, then the following procedure can be used to reset the whole unit back to the factory defaults. This will set the system password back to "admin" but unfortunately, it will also clear any configuration you may have already entered. We recommend you print this page before proceeding.
1. Unplug the power, and remove the all cables from the gateway.
2. Using an RJ45 cable, connect the gateway's Cable/DSL port to one of the LAN ports.
3. Apply power to the unit
4. The Alert LED will start to flash. Wait until the flash rate changes to 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off, continuously.
5. Unplug the power and re-connect your network as before.
6. Apply power.
7. The unit will now have the default IP address of and subnet mask of You should now follow the steps in the Installation Guide to re-install your gateway. |
Povelniu,reikia atsirakinti ta daikta,gal kas patars kaip  |
3Com administrator slaptazodis |
Parašytas: 2012 10 21, 10:04 |
If you've changed the System password but cannot remember it, then the following procedure can be used to reset the whole unit back to the factory defaults. This will set the system password back to "admin" but unfortunately, it will also clear any configuration you may have already entered. We recommend you print this page before proceeding.
1. Unplug the power, and remove the all cables from the gateway.
2. Using an RJ45 cable, connect the gateway's Cable/DSL port to one of the LAN ports.
3. Apply power to the unit
4. The Alert LED will start to flash. Wait until the flash rate changes to 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off, continuously.
5. Unplug the power and re-connect your network as before.
6. Apply power.
7. The unit will now have the default IP address of and subnet mask of You should now follow the steps in the Installation Guide to re-install your gateway.Osito neikerti? |
3Com administrator slaptazodis |
Parašytas: 2012 10 21, 10:12 |
pjonas rašo: |
If you've changed the System password but cannot remember it, then the following procedure can be used to reset the whole unit back to the factory defaults. This will set the system password back to "admin" but unfortunately, it will also clear any configuration you may have already entered. We recommend you print this page before proceeding.
1. Unplug the power, and remove the all cables from the gateway.
2. Using an RJ45 cable, connect the gateway's Cable/DSL port to one of the LAN ports.
3. Apply power to the unit
4. The Alert LED will start to flash. Wait until the flash rate changes to 2 seconds on, 2 seconds off, continuously.
5. Unplug the power and re-connect your network as before.
6. Apply power.
7. The unit will now have the default IP address of and subnet mask of You should now follow the steps in the Installation Guide to re-install your gateway.Osito neikerti? |
Na kirtimas toks kad pagal ta aprasyma niekas nevyksta o lieka kaip buvo...Gal gali ukiskai paaiskint ka sako 4 punktas?
Kiek suprantu tinklo kabeli reik kist i viena is keturiu portu,ijungti maitinima,...??????...,isjungti maitinima ir tinklo kabeli perjungti kaip iprasta i Wan jungti? |
3Com administrator slaptazodis |
Parašytas: 2012 10 21, 11:40 |
taigis aiskiai raso - WAN porta sujungi su betkuriuo LAN portu Ethernet kabeliu (ne tuo kur i rozete kisi ir ne telefoniniu).
ijungus palauki pakol nusistoves mirksejimas 2s
isjungi ir pajungi laidus iprastai, ijunges jau turesi default configa. |
3Com administrator slaptazodis |
Parašytas: 2012 10 21, 12:06 |
AlgisL rašo: |
taigis aiskiai raso - WAN porta sujungi su betkuriuo LAN portu Ethernet kabeliu (ne tuo kur i rozete kisi ir ne telefoniniu).
ijungus palauki pakol nusistoves mirksejimas 2s
isjungi ir pajungi laidus iprastai, ijunges jau turesi default configa. |
Teip,labai aiskiai viskas parasyta,tik nevisi moka aiskiai skaityt...
Viskas lyg jau tvarkoj,dekavoju bandziusiems pagelbet,ipac AlgisL
Sia zinute rasau jau per ta daikta... |
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