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Forumas » Analoginė elektronika » Loudness
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2005 11 12, 21:49 |
Sumasčiau stiprintuvan integruoti skaitmeniškai valdomą (ON/OFF) loudness funkciją. Anksčiau teko gaminti tik paprastą, tiesiai prie potenco jungiamą loudness'ą ir dabar iškilo truputis kėblumų.. Bėda tame, kad pas mane garsas reguliuosis ne su paprastu potenciometru, o su skaitmeniniu, LM1972 (nepatingėkit užmest akį datašytan). To mikriuko viduje viso labo tėra perjungiamų rezistorių krūva, bet gamintojas ant išėjimo primygtinai siūlo statyti buferį, kas truputį apsunkina loudness funkcijos integravimą.
Čia yra žmogaus 'girdimumo' grafikėlis:
Truputį pagūglinau ir radau tokias loudness (tono kompensavimo) schemutes:
Čia kažkurios iš šių trijų schemų grafikėlis:
Na ir dar pora:
Na čia jos paprastam potencui skirtos..
Bet o kaip man jas pritaikyt tai LM1972? Kas turit minčių? ![Smile](images/smiles/icon_smile.gif) |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2005 11 12, 22:00 |
Va dar viena įdomi schemikė:
P1_________________10K Linear Potentiometer (Dual-gang for stereo)
R1,R6,R8__________100K 1/4W Resistors
R2_________________27K 1/4W Resistor
R3,R5_______________1K 1/4W Resistors
R4__________________1M 1/4W Resistor
R7_________________20K 1/2W Trimmer Cermet
C1________________100nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C2_________________47nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C3________________470nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C4_________________15nF 63V Polyester Capacitor
C5,C9_______________1΅F 63V Electrolytic or Polyester Capacitors
C6,C8______________47΅F 63V Electrolytic Capacitors
C7________________100pF 63V Ceramic Capacitor
IC1_______________TL072 Dual BIFET Op-Amp
SW1________________DPDT Switch (four poles for stereo)
In order to obtain a good audio reproduction at different listening levels, a different tone-controls setting should be necessary to suit the well known behaviour of the human ear. In fact, the human ear sensitivity varies in a non-linear manner through the entire audible frequency band, as shown by Fletcher-Munson curves.
A simple approach to this problem can be done inserting a circuit in the preamplifier stage, capable of varying automatically the frequency response of the entire audio chain in respect to the position of the control knob, in order to keep ideal listening conditions under different listening levels.
Fortunately, the human ear is not too critical, so a rather simple circuit can provide a satisfactory performance through a 40dB range.
The circuit is shown with SW1 in the "Control-flat" position, i.e. without the Automatic Loudness Control. In this position the circuit acts as a linear preamplifier stage, with the voltage gain set by means of Trimmer R7.
Switching SW1 in the other position the circuit becomes an Automatic Loudness Control and its frequency response varies in respect to the position of the control knob by the amount shown in the table below.
C1 boosts the low frequencies and C4 boosts the higher ones. Maximum boost at low frequencies is limited by R2; R5 do the same at high frequencies.
Technical data:
Frequency response referred to 1KHz and different control knob positions:
Total harmonic distortion at all frequencies and 1V RMS output: < 0.01%
* SW1 is shown in "Control flat" position.
* Schematic shows left channel only, therefore for stereo operation all parts must be doubled except IC1, C6 and C8.
* Numbers in parentheses show IC1 right channel pin connections.
* R7 should be set to obtain maximum undistorted output power from the amplifier with a standard music programme source and P1 rotated fully clockwise. |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2006 01 06, 15:48 |
Ka tau patart neturiu, bet noriu paprasyt louness schemutes kur jungiama prie potensu su kompensacijos isvadais. Gal tu, gal kas turit tokia? Esu google pora rades, bet man reiktu patikimos ir isbandytos, gerai apskaiciuotos schemutes ![Wink](images/smiles/icon_wink.gif) |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2006 01 06, 19:48 |
Aciu. O jei naudosiu 100kom poteca? Manau kad schema issiderins. Ka daryt, reikia su su 100kom potencu... :/ |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2006 01 06, 21:47 |
Kad išsiderins, tai tikrai. Deja nelabai žinau ką reikėtų keisti..
Pabandyk pasimuliuoti su multisim ar panašia programa ![Rolling Eyes](images/smiles/icon_rolleyes.gif) |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2006 02 03, 09:22 |
Aimis rašo: |
Aciu. O jei naudosiu 100kom poteca? Manau kad schema issiderins. Ka daryt, reikia su su 100kom potencu... :/ |
Visas varžas didink dvigubai ( jei 12 kom, tai nauja 24 kom. čia tik pavyzdys), o kondus tiek pat mažink. Juk tai E-L-E-M-E-N-T-A-R-U ![Exclamation](images/smiles/icon_exclaim.gif) |
_________________ Trys viename: 1.Visa nauja-gerai pamiršta sena! 2.Groja ne pinigai, tik be jų irgi negros! 3.Geriau groja,ar tik veikia kitaip?!!. Ir bendrai, JAU groja, ar TIK veikia? |
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Loudness |
Parašytas: 2006 02 06, 16:46 |
Šiaip tai, atrodo promachą darot...
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