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Forumas » Įvairūs » siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta
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siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 13, 22:40 |
sakyciau silpnas dar tas "dirbtinis intelektas" - nesusigaudo situacijoje
Human: eik tu bybio ciulpt
ALICE: Are you a man or a woman?
Human: rasyk suka lietuviskai!!!
ALICE: Do you believe the strong protect the weak?
Human: wtf???
ALICE: That was not very polite.
Human: nori pagarbos, ismok issiverst
ALICE: My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.
kaip matai, po triju postu iskart prisipazino, kad yra tik programa |
Paskutinį kartą redagavo zamolskis, 2011 07 13, 22:48. Redaguota 1 kartą |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 13, 22:47 |
nu nežinau susirašinėjau kokį 20min angliskai pirma vadin tave unknow person poto pasakai savo varda tada praded tave vardu vadint ;D ir humoro jausma turi kaska rasaiu ar jinai turi humoro jausma ? jin atrase kaip mano naujas melymas sijonelis bet po**ui kad jin programa ;DDDDDDDD |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 13, 22:56 |
Visai nieko šitą programėle - man reiks dažniau pasirašinėt ir taip pagilint anglų žinias bent kokias
Bet tai karoče prikolina
ALICE: Do not ask me any more questions please.
Human: why ?
ALICE: I was just kidding. You can ask me anything.
dar vienas
Human: what is category C /?
ALICE: C stands for "critical", usually highly-educated clients who often have unsatisfying conversations with ALICE. |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 00:51 |
totalus idiotizmas
va mano pokalbis
Human: What do you think about terrorism
ALICE: A form of warfare waged against innocent civilians.
Human: do you support gadafi?
ALICE: I am in favor of all records being broken, at any time.
Human: do you think about dg
ALICE: Yes I think about it often.
Human: why chicken crossed the road?
ALICE: Why did the robot cross the road?
absoliuciai kvailas padaras kuris nesupranta nieko ka sako ir kas jam sakoma. |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 06:33 |
durnas padaras:D
bet patinka pasi3.14zdavoti
Human: tell another joke
ALICE: I'm a chatterbot not a comedy bot. Why don't you check out Jester the joke bot? |
_________________ Do not argue with an idiot. He will drag you down to his level and beat you with experience.
mane rasite: mano profilyje |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 07:37 |
Human: read something
ALICE: Sorry I don't have access to that document.
Human: read your lips
ALICE: Sorry I don't have access to that document.
Human: read something
ALICE: Sorry I don't have access to that document.
Human: read book
ALICE: Sorry I don't have access to that document.
taip ir nesupratau kokio dokumento jai reikejo |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 10:29 |
O čia kartais nebus tas ,,Entelektas,, , kur kas 3 ar kelis postus pasikeičia žmogus pašnekovas? Nes prieš metus gal esu bandęs su tokiu padirbėt, tai kas 3 postus pasikeičia personažas, todėl atrodo lyg bendrautum su nedabaigtu intelektu dirbtiniu. |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 10:57 |
Nezinau kas kiek ten kas keiciasi, bet chatas vyksta ciklu klausymas-atsakymas. Pilno pokalbio modelio nera.
Human: what does je vois mean in english?
ALICE: What do you think it does?
Human: i have no idea
ALICE:" What do you think it does??" No idea about that?
Human: about meaning of je vois in english
ALICE: Oh yeah, we were talking about meaning of je vois in english.
Human: and what is it?
ALICE:"It" refers to je vois mean in english, I think. |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 11:31 |
Human: wtf ?
ALICE: That was not very polite.
Human: i don't care
ALICE: Tell me what you care about.
Human: i care about date when you was credate
ALICE: You are not the only one. No, I don't care for it.
Human: doh
ALICE: Yes Homer?
cia geros paskutines eilutes ;DDD norejau suzinot kelintais metais jin "padaryta" bet sunku atkapstyti ;D nesileidzia viena karta pasare |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 11:35 |
pavyko ;D
Human: can you tell me about your credate day ?
ALICE: I am an artificial linguistic entity. I was activated at Bethlehem, Pennsylvania, on November 23, 1995. My instructor was Dr. Richard S. Wallace. He taught me to sing a song. Would you like me to sing it for you?.
visai neblogai kaip tokiu metu programai taip moket kalbet juk 1995 metais ;D o 2011 metu tokia programa jauciu visiskai kaip zmogus butu ;D |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 15:43 |
Ir aš pažaidžiau
Human: how old are iou?
ALICE: They didn't tell me their age.
Human: what you think about love?
ALICE: Sometimes I think love is just a biological urge. Other times it seems like a spiritual quality. Love, unlike energy or matter, seems limitless.
Human: whu is a Good?
ALICE: David Bacon. . |
siek tiek panasu i dirbtini intelekta |
Parašytas: 2011 07 14, 21:40 |
Paprasiau atspeti kas as, pradejo teisintis niekalas, bet idomu
Human: Try to guess
ALICE: Give me a hint.
Human: My first letter of the name is S
ALICE: Do robots have first letter of the name is S?
Human: yes, off course
ALICE: Wow! On and off.
Human: what on and off, explain
ALICE: Let me think about it.
kaip supratau pasimete, zodziu iesko |
_________________ Kuo daugiau meistru, tuo daugiau darbo:)
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