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Dabar yra 2025 03 14, 01:02. Visos datos yra GMT + 2 valandos.
Forumas » Autodiagnostika » honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia
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honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 11:06 |
Sveiki, gal kas galetu pasidalint kondicionieriaus remonto manualais sitam auto. Mirgsi ac lempute ir nepaleidzia sankabos. Kaip nuskaityt mirksincius kodus randu , bet napavyksta rast ju reiksmes. Ac rele gera, is variklinio aktyvuojasi. |
honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 11:34 |
Running the Self-diagnosis Function
Turn the ignition switch OFF.
Turn the fan switch OFF, the temperature control dial on Max Cool and the mode control dial on Vent.
Turn the ignition switch ON (II), then press and hold the recirculation control switch. Within 10 seconds while holding the switch down, press the rear window defogger switch five times. The recirculation indicator blinks two times, then the self-diagnosis will begin. If there is any problem in the system after self-diagnosis is finished, the recirculation indicator will blink the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 7 through 13 when problems in the evaporator temperature sensor circuit are detected (codes 14 and 15), the A/C indicator will blink the DTC. If no DTC's are found, the indicator will not blink.
kiek kartų tekę susidurti su mirgsinčia AC lempute, šitas parašymas padėdavo |
honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 12:17 |
t0maz rašo: |
Running the Self-diagnosis Function
Turn the ignition switch OFF.
Turn the fan switch OFF, the temperature control dial on Max Cool and the mode control dial on Vent.
Turn the ignition switch ON (II), then press and hold the recirculation control switch. Within 10 seconds while holding the switch down, press the rear window defogger switch five times. The recirculation indicator blinks two times, then the self-diagnosis will begin. If there is any problem in the system after self-diagnosis is finished, the recirculation indicator will blink the Diagnostic Trouble Code (DTC) 7 through 13 when problems in the evaporator temperature sensor circuit are detected (codes 14 and 15), the A/C indicator will blink the DTC. If no DTC's are found, the indicator will not blink.
kiek kartų tekę susidurti su mirgsinčia AC lempute, šitas parašymas padėdavo |
sita as ir pats randu, bet kur gaut visus kodus. |
honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 16:44 |
Gintarasgt rašo: |
jei akys mirksi i takta su leNpute tai sunku bus gal lengviau klaidas skaityti skaneriu  |
pabandyk , o tada komentuok. Nesiskaito su skaneriu. |
honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 16:47 |
Gintarasgt rašo: |
jei akys mirksi i takta su leNpute tai sunku bus gal lengviau klaidas skaityti skaneriu  |
Taip taip, jei akys žvairos tada tik skaneris telieka. |
honda crv 2005 dyzelis , ac neveikia |
Parašytas: 2016 06 12, 21:31 |
Jadas rašo: |
Gintarasgt rašo: |
jei akys mirksi i takta su leNpute tai sunku bus gal lengviau klaidas skaityti skaneriu  |
Taip taip, jei akys žvairos tada tik skaneris telieka. |
be skanerio tai geriau nelysti, neverkslenti ir nekomentuoti ten kur nesupranti  |
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