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Dabar yra 2025 01 09, 22:23. Visos datos yra GMT + 2 valandos.
Jūs negalite rašyti naujų pranešimų į šį forumą Jūs negalite atsakinėti į pranešimus šiame forume Jūs negalite redaguoti savo pranešimų šiame forume Jūs negalite ištrinti savo pranešimų šiame forume Jūs negalite dalyvauti apklausose šiame forume
STATUS equ 03h ;Address of the STATUS register
TRISA equ 85h ;Address of the tristate register for port A
PORTA equ 05h ;Address of Port A
COUNT1 equ 08h ;First counter for our delay loops
COUNT2 equ 09h ;Second counter for our delay loops
;****Set up the port****
bsf STATUS,5 ;Switch to Bank 1
movlw 00h ;Set the Port A pins
movwf TRISA ;to output.
bcf STATUS,5 ;Switch back to Bank 0
;****Turn the LED on****
Start movlw 02h ;Turn the LED on by first putting
movwf PORTA ;it into the w register and then ;on the port
;****Start of the delay loop 1****
Loop1 decfsz COUNT1,1 ;Subtract 1 from 255
goto Loop1 ;If COUNT is zero, carry on.
decfsz COUNT2,1 ;Subtract 1 from 255
goto Loop1 ;Go back to the start of our loop. ;This delay counts down from ;255 to zero, 255 times
;****Delay finished, now turn the LED off****
movlw 00h ;Turn the LED off by first putting
movwf PORTA ;it into the w register and then on ;the port
;****Add another delay****
Loop2 decfsz COUNT1,1 ;This second loop keeps the
goto Loop2 ;LED turned off long enough for
decfsz COUNT2,1 ;us to see it turned off
goto Loop2 ;
;****Now go back to the start of the program
goto Start ;go back to Start and turn LED ;on again
;****End of the program****
end ;Needed by some compilers,
Naudoju MPLAB IDE v.8.30 kaip sukompiliuot sita koda, kokias bibliotekas reikia dadeti pradzioj kad leistu kompiliuoti ?
_________________ skype-->optical611
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