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Dabar yra 2025 02 15, 09:12. Visos datos yra GMT + 2 valandos.
Forumas » Autoelektronika » Volvo V50 2l 100kw automatas
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Volvo V50 2l 100kw automatas |
Parašytas: 2023 03 18, 10:47 |
Sveiki bičiuliai, nutiko tokia būdelė dėžė nusprogo stovėjo apie 2menesius bet prakurdavau viskas buvo gerai gavus dėžių su tokiu pačiu kodu pakeitus nebesikuria bet sukant bando stverti bet nesiveda iki galo kuriant meta po biški dūmai |
Volvo V50 2l 100kw automatas |
Parašytas: 2023 03 19, 21:03 |
Dėk seną, kas čia per žaidimai  |
_________________ Kaunas Aleksotas, tel. 8681 65septyni 19 |
Volvo V50 2l 100kw automatas |
Parašytas: 2023 03 20, 21:50 |
Ežiukas249 rašo: |
Senos dėžės pusašio šlicai išlyžia  |
Kas čia per žodis - "išlyžia"???  |
_________________ Kaunas Aleksotas, tel. 8681 65septyni 19 |
Volvo V50 2l 100kw automatas |
Parašytas: 2023 03 20, 23:34 |
vincovicius rašo: |
Kas čia per žodis - "išlyžia"???  |
Iš tiesų, kas čia per žodis??? Paklauskime ChatGPT
Me: Here is a given sentence: "Senos dėžės pusašio šlicai išlyžia". The word "išlyžia" is written with errors. What is correct word?
ChatGPT: The correct Lithuanian word for this sentence would be "išlyžta", which is the past tense form of the verb "išlyžti", meaning "to become worn out" or "to wear out". Therefore, the corrected sentence would be: "Senos dėžės pusašio šlicai išlyžta."
Me: That werb is not "išlyžti". Can you make another guess?
ChatGPT: I apologize for the mistake. Based on the context of the sentence, the correct Lithuanian verb should be "išlysti", which means "to come loose" or "to slip out". Therefore, the corrected sentence would be: "Senos dėžės pusašio šlicai išlysti."
Me: Yes, this can be a correct word. Though, I think there should be yet another word. Can you guess it?
ChatGPT: Certainly, I'll do my best to help. Based on the context of the sentence, the word "išlyžia" could also be corrected to "išlyžta", which is the past tense form of the verb "išlyžti", meaning "to become worn out" or "to wear out". Therefore, the corrected sentence with this alternative word would be: "Senos dėžės pusašio šlicai išlyžta."
Me: Do you know other similar words, which mean "to wear out"?
ChatGPT: Yes, there are several other Lithuanian words that can be used to express the meaning of "to wear out". Here are a few examples:
Nusidėvėti - to become worn, to wear out
Susidėvėti - to become worn, to wear out
Sugadinti - to damage, to spoil, to ruin
Apniukti - to wear out, to become frayed or tattered
Nutrinti - to wear out, to abrade, to rub off
I hope this helps!
Turiu pasakyti, sunkokai jam sekėsi. Bet nenuostabu, netgi žmonės neįveikia  |
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