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Dabar yra 2025 03 07, 08:53. Visos datos yra GMT + 2 valandos.
Forumas » Programavimas » REP_INSW
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Parašytas: 2006 01 21, 15:24 |
Kaip naudotis REP_INSW komanda programuojant su Borland 3 versija?
Istrauka is CIO-DAS16/330i user`s manual:
REP INSW (Repeat Input String) is a 286/386/486 class CPU
instruction which allows the PC to transfer large amounts of data
using one instruction. The data is transferred at the maximum rate
allowed by the bus. On a typical 286 AT, this rate is 2Mbyte/sec or
1 sample every microsecond.
In order to employ REP INSW the A/D board must have a FIFO
buffer to accumulate sample data. The CIO-DAS16/330 has a 1024
sample buffer. When it is half full (512 samples), an interrupt
generated by the DAS16/330 starts an interrupt service routine
which executes the instruction REP INSW, transfers the data to PC
memory and empties the FIFO buffer.
The data is transferred completely in the background and no unrea-sonable demands are placed on the PC's resources. For example,
screen updates need not be suspended! REP INSW is the same
method LAN and disk controllers employ. |
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