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 Forumas » Autodiagnostika » programavimas su VAG-COM
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 programavimas su VAG-COM
PranešimasParašytas: 2007 01 11, 19:55 Pranešti apie taisyklių pažeidimą Atsakyti su citata
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Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą AIM adresas
SVEIKI gal kas esat keites AUDI A4 3.0L 2005m. (amerikonas) parametra komforto bloke kad vaziuojant neuzsirakintu. bloko softas 12044.
 programavimas su VAG-COM
PranešimasParašytas: 2007 01 11, 22:09 Pranešti apie taisyklių pažeidimą Atsakyti su citata
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Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje
Nebedariau, bet perskaityk:

Audi A4/S4 B6/8E VAG-COM Info

Ross-Tech is not responsible for any damage or problems that may result from following these instructions. They are to be used at your own risk.

Dual K-Lines:
Depending on equipment level, the "new" Audi A4 can have so many control modules in it that putting them all on the same ISO9141 bus (K-Line) would exceed some of the electrical characteristics allowed by the spec. To get around this problem, the new A4 may have two K-lines. In "basic" cars, all control modules are on K1. In a car loaded with options, most control modules will be connected to K1 and will be accessible using all standard ISO9141 interfaces. However, a few modules may be connected to K2 instead of K1. We've heard from Europe that cars with Xenon headlights have the second K-line and cars without Xenon's don't, but we're not 100% sure this is is the the dividing line in North American cars.

The dealers' solution is to put a VAS-6017 adapter between the scan-tool and the car. This device acts as an intelligent switch, making an automatic determination which K-Line a control module is connected to. The VAS-6017 works fine with the interface adapters supplied with VAG-COM, but it is pricey, expect to pay over $200 if you want to buy one of these. Naturally, a less expensive solution is available to VAG-COM users. All of our current Interfaces fully support for the dual K-lines.

A number of the control modules in the new A4 use the new KWP-2000 protocols for the data-transport layer. KWP-2000 has some different features from the KWP-1281 protocol, see our Function Chart for details. You should use the latest version of VAG-COM for the most complete functionality.

The settings described below were tested on our 2002 development vehicle. Although VAG-COM works great with the 2003+ models, many of the coding and adaptation options may not work in the 2003 and newer models. If/when someone finds the 2003+ options, we'll gladly post them here.

Specific Modules:

46 - Central Convenience: K1-- KWP1281
VAG-COM works well. We've had some problems with errors while getting the Door-Slave part numbers. If VAG-COM errors out while trying to display the information in the "Extra" fields, go to the Options Screen and set "Char Int" to 0.

There are numerous options/ features that can be set. These are controlled by the Coding and in Adaptation Channel 62. When we published a simple table, many people didn't understand it, so here's an explanation:

Let's look at Adaptation Channel 62 first (it is simpler, fewer bits than the Coding). The original value in a US 3.0L model is 95. Both a real VAG tool and VAG-COM display these values in decimal. 95 decimal is 5F hex, or 01011111 in binary.

Value: 01011111
Bit: 76543210

Now we can correlate the bits with the chart
for Adaptation Channel 62:

State Bit Dec. Function
ON 0 1 windows up with remote
ON 1 2 windows down with remote
ON 2 4 windows up with key in lock
ON 3 8 windows down with key in lock
ON 4 16 sunroof close with remote
OFF 5 32 sunroof open with remote (does not appear to work)
ON 6 64 sunroof close with key in lock
OFF 7 128 sunroof open with key in lock (does not appear to work)

Also, you will see if we add up the decimal values for each of the bits that are ON, we can verify that we did it right because we got the original Adaptation value of 95.

1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + 16 + 64 = 95.

By now you're likely starting to wonder why "Windows with Remote" stuff doesn't work since the appropriate bits appear to be ON. To answer this question, we need to look at the coding the same way. The original coding in this car is 11788 (decimal). That's 2E0C in hex or 010111000001100 in binary. Again, we can again correlate the binary bits with the function table, just like we did above.

Central Convenience Controller Coding:

State Bit Dec. Function
OFF 0 1 Great Britain- alarm system (only with bit 4)
OFF 1 2 flash on when arming/unarming alarm system
ON 2 4 selective locking 1 door/all doors
ON 3 8 activate alarm system
OFF 4 16 rear unlocking block via speed
OFF 5 32 locking via speed
OFF 6 64 comfort functions with remote (adapt in ch 62!!)
OFF 7 128 right side steering
OFF 8 256 avant (glass break sensors in rear side-and rear
windows (if error: safe-LED constantly lit ))
ON 9 512 1x flash when lock with remote
ON 10 1024 horn sounds when lock with remote
ON 11 2048 door/window-logic ( ignition off: No open door
el. windows works 10 min )
OFF 12 4096 normal/????-alarm system
ON 13 8192 No SAFE-function USA only
OFF 14 16384 insulate-glass PR-nr 4KR/4KV

Again, we can verify that we did this correctly by adding up all the decimal values for the bits that are ON:

4 + 8 + 512 + 1024 + 2048 + 8192 = 11788.

Now notice that bit 6 with a value of 64 and function "comfort functions with remote (adapt in ch 62!!)" is OFF !!! So in order to turn this ON, we need to add 64 to the original coding. 11788 + 64 = 11852. Recode the module with that number. Once you do that, the options in Adaptation Channel 62 should take effect, and you can change the value there to "fine tune" the features..

If you wanted to add "locking via speed" (where the car locks itself as soon as you reach some low speed), you would add 32.

If you wanted to turn Selective Locking OFF, (so the entire car unlocks with one press of the unlock button on the remote) you would subtract 4.

Hopefully this makes sense to everyone..Smile
 programavimas su VAG-COM
PranešimasParašytas: 2007 01 11, 23:27 Pranešti apie taisyklių pažeidimą Atsakyti su citata
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Dažnas dalyvis
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą AIM adresas
kaip tik ten buvau ilindes pasistudijavau rytoj pabandysiu.parasysiu apie rezultatus.dekui uz pagalba
 programavimas su VAG-COM
PranešimasParašytas: 2007 01 12, 21:13 Pranešti apie taisyklių pažeidimą Atsakyti su citata
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Dažnas dalyvis
Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą AIM adresas
viskas pavyko.vadovavausi pagal ROSS-TECH informacija.buvo soft coding 12044.pridejau prie sio skaiciaus 32 ir perkodavau.
 programavimas su VAG-COM
PranešimasParašytas: 2007 01 13, 03:14 Pranešti apie taisyklių pažeidimą Atsakyti su citata
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Peržiūrėti vartotojo aprašymą Siųsti asmeninį pranešimą Apsilankyti vartotojo tinklapyje
tep ir turėjo būti Wink
čia aš šiandien kak raz analogišku principu Mylias/Kalbas keitinėjau
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