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Forumas » Mikrovaldikliai » Atmega16 fuses nustatymai
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Atmega16 fuses nustatymai |
Parašytas: 2016 04 16, 16:10 |
Darau is zurnalo winamp'o valdyma. Proteus simuletoriui programa pasileidzia ir lcd uzsidega "welcome" pasveikinimas, o realybei ant lcd tik dega visa eilute ir daugiau nieko. Gal blogi fuse nustatymai? Naudoju Atmega16A.
Kodas: |
$hwstack = 128
$swstack = 128
$framesize = 128
Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Portc.2 , Db5 = Portc.3 , Db6 = Portc.4 , Db7 = Portc.5 , Rs = Portc.0 , E = Portc.1 'LCD 16*2
$baud = 9600
$crystal = 8000000 'Internal clock
Declare Function Getad() As Byte
Config Adc = Single , Prescaler = Auto , Reference = Aref
Dim Last As Word
Dim Value As Byte , Temp As Byte , Send As Byte , Diff As Integer , Cn As Byte
Dim Tmp As Byte
Dim Tex(40) As Byte 'Text memory
Config Portd.3 = Output 'Button setup
Config Portd.5 = Output
Config Portd.6 = Output
Config Porta.0 = Input
Config Porta.1 = Input
Config Porta.2 = Input
Config Porta.3 = Input
Set Porta.0
Set Porta.1
Set Porta.2
Set Porta.3
Tas1 Alias Pina.0 'Button 1
Tas3 Alias Pina.1 'Button 2
Tas4 Alias Pina.2 'Button 3
Tas2 Alias Pina.3 'Button 4
En Alias Portd.3 'Enable output for L293D
A1 Alias Portd.5 'Output 1 of L293D
A2 Alias Portd.6 'Output 2 of L293D
Last = 250
Cursor Off 'LCD init
Lcd " Winamp Control"
Lcd " v.1.1"
Locate 1 , 1
Waitms 100
Temp = Udr 'Read serial input
Value = Getad() 'Start position
Temp = Getad() 'Current position
Diff = Value - Temp
Diff = Abs(diff)
If Diff > 5 Then 'Manual move?
Goto Manual
End If
If Tas1 = 0 Then 'Button 1 pressed?
Waitms 100
Loop Until Tas1 = 1
Printbin 251
Printbin 0
End If
If Tas2 = 0 Then 'Button 2 pressed?
Waitms 100
Loop Until Tas2 = 1
Printbin 252
Printbin 0
End If
If Tas3 = 0 Then 'Button 3 pressed?
Waitms 100
Loop Until Tas3 = 1
Printbin 253
Printbin 0
End If
If Tas4 = 0 Then 'Button 4 pressed?
Waitms 100
Loop Until Tas4 = 1
Printbin 254
Printbin 0
End If
Temp = Inp(&H2b) 'Serial data received?
Temp = Temp And &B10000000
Loop Until Temp > 0
Value = Udr 'Process data
If Value = 125 Then Goto Textd 'Command 125 -> receive data and set LCD
Send = 140
If Value = 120 Then Send = 100 'Valid command?
If Value = 110 Then Send = 0
If Send = 140 Then Goto New
Temp = Inp(&H2b) 'Wait for second data byte
Temp = Temp And &B10000000
Waitms 1
Loop Until Temp > 0
Value = Udr
If Value > 101 Then Goto Sync 'Error
Send = Send + Value 'Check data
If Send > 200 Then Send = 200
Send = 200 - Send
Value = Getad()
Diff = Value - Send 'Diference between leaver and received value
Diff = Abs(diff)
If Diff < 5 Then Goto New 'Difference to small return
If Value > Send Then 'Drive leaver up
Temp = Getad()
If Temp = 0 Then Goto Endpush
Cn = 0
Value = Getad()
Reset A1
Set A2
Set En
Temp = Getad()
If Value < Temp Then Goto Manual
If Value = Temp Then
Cn = Cn + 1
If Cn = 250 Then Goto Manual
Cn = 0
End If
Value = Temp
Loop Until Temp =< Send Or Temp = 0
Goto Endpush
'############################################################################### 'or drive leaver down
Temp = Getad()
If Temp = 200 Then Goto Endpush
Cn = 0
Value = Getad()
Set A1
Reset A2
Set En
Temp = Getad()
If Value > Temp Then Goto Manual
If Value = Temp Then
Cn = Cn + 1
If Cn = 250 Then Goto Manual
Cn = 0
End If
Value = Temp
Loop Until Temp => Send Or Temp = 200
Goto Endpush
End If
Reset En
Goto New
Textd: 'Receive 32 bytes for display
Tmp = 1
For Cn = 1 To 32
Waitus 50
Temp = Inp(&H2b)
Temp = Temp And &B10000000
Loop Until Temp > 0
Tex(cn) = Udr
Next Cn
Tmp = 1
Locate 1 , 1
For Cn = 1 To 32
If Tex(cn) > 32 And Tex(cn) < 127 Then
Lcd Chr(tex(cn))
Lcd " "
End If
If Tex(cn) = 0 Then Goto Newi
If Cn = 16 Then
Locate 2 , 1
End If
Next Cn
Goto Newi
Manual: 'Manuall override
Printbin 240 'Notifie PC that leaver was pushed manual
Printbin 0
Reset En
Value = Getad()
Waitms 250 'If leaver stood dtill for 250ms then notifie PC
Temp = Getad()
If Value <> Temp Then Goto Manualt
Temp = 200 - Temp
Temp = Temp + 1
Printbin Temp
Printbin 0
Goto New
Function Getad() As Byte
Local A As Word , B As Integer
A = Getadc(4)
A = A / 5.12
If A > 200 Then A = 200
If A < 0 Then A = 0
If A = 0 Or A = 200 Then
Last = A
Goto Exget
End If
B = A - Last
B = Abs(b)
If B < 5 Then
A = Last
Goto Exget
End If
Last = A
Getad = A
End Function |
Patarkit ka dar perziuret. |
Atmega16 fuses nustatymai |
Parašytas: 2016 04 16, 17:04 |
Zvilgtelk http://www.engbedded.com/fusecalc/ ir nusistatyk kaip reikia
Kad Atmega veiktu 8MHz dazniu, tau reikia nustatyti CKSEL0 bei nuimti CKSEL2 varnas.
Abejoju ar tau reikia JTAGEN
Manau, kad praverstu BODEN, o BODLEVEL priklauso nuo kiek maitini Atmega (jei nuo 5V, tai gali uzdeti varna). |
Atmega16 fuses nustatymai |
Parašytas: 2016 04 16, 18:56 |
Gaila,kad pas mus nėra"Laik" mygtuko, Laidback jau spaustų, o aš spausčiau du kart, už tai kad žmogus, aukodamas savo laiką tokius gerus patarimus dalina . |
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