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USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 05 06, 17:00 |
Apie AVRDude biski netikslu - jis niekuom nesirisa vien tik su avr, nes tai universalus softas daugeliui programatoriu.
USB LS yra semi duplex ir pakankamai letas, kad tikrinant vos viena bita galetu pavezti paprasciausias prosas, juolab tokiuose taikymuose rekomenduojama nenaudoti jokiu pertrauktis generuojanciu situaciju, isskyrus pati USB. |
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USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 05 07, 00:18 |
Na ir ką matom šiame jovale.
Kad tai LS žemas greitis 1.5Mhz.
Kad tai bDeviceClass 1 02h CDC Control vienas iš standartinės klasės įrenginių, aprašytų standarto papildyme.
Kad paketo max ilgis 8 baitai.
Turi du interfeisus, tris ENP.
ENP3 jis IN tipo ir yra pertraukimų, kas 100ms.
ENP1 yra IN ir OUT ir kas 1ms.
Ir kad iš hosto prašo iki 100 ma.
Kadangi panaudotas, kaip standartinės klasės įrenginių tai ir funkciją. |
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USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 05 07, 00:56 |
Pridedu asm imtuvinės dalies originalų koda:
Kodas: |
/* Name: usbdrvasm12.inc
* Project: V-USB, virtual USB port for Atmel's(r) AVR(r) microcontrollers
* Author: Christian Starkjohann
* Creation Date: 2004-12-29
* Tabsize: 4
* Copyright: (c) 2007 by OBJECTIVE DEVELOPMENT Software GmbH
* License: GNU GPL v2 (see License.txt), GNU GPL v3 or proprietary (CommercialLicense.txt)
* This Revision: $Id: usbdrvasm12.inc 740 2009-04-13 18:23:31Z cs $
/* Do not link this file! Link usbdrvasm.S instead, which includes the
* appropriate implementation!
General Description:
This file is the 12 MHz version of the asssembler part of the USB driver. It
requires a 12 MHz crystal (not a ceramic resonator and not a calibrated RC
See usbdrv.h for a description of the entire driver.
Since almost all of this code is timing critical, don't change unless you
really know what you are doing! Many parts require not only a maximum number
of CPU cycles, but even an exact number of cycles!
Timing constraints according to spec (in bit times):
timing subject min max CPUcycles
EOP of OUT/SETUP to sync pattern of DATA0 (both rx) 2 16 16-128
EOP of IN to sync pattern of DATA0 (rx, then tx) 2 7.5 16-60
DATAx (rx) to ACK/NAK/STALL (tx) 2 7.5 16-60
;Software-receiver engine. Strict timing! Don't change unless you can preserve timing!
;interrupt response time: 4 cycles + insn running = 7 max if interrupts always enabled
;max allowable interrupt latency: 34 cycles -> max 25 cycles interrupt disable
;max stack usage: [ret(2), YL, SREG, YH, shift, x1, x2, x3, cnt, x4] = 11 bytes
;Numbers in brackets are maximum cycles since SOF.
;order of registers pushed: YL, SREG [sofError], YH, shift, x1, x2, x3, cnt
push YL ;2 [35] push only what is necessary to sync with edge ASAP
in YL, SREG ;1 [37]
push YL ;2 [39]
; Synchronize with sync pattern:
;sync byte (D-) pattern LSb to MSb: 01010100 [1 = idle = J, 0 = K]
;sync up with J to K edge during sync pattern -- use fastest possible loops
;The first part waits at most 1 bit long since we must be in sync pattern.
;YL is guarenteed to be < 0x80 because I flag is clear. When we jump to
;waitForJ, ensure that this prerequisite is met.
inc YL
brne waitForJ ; just make sure we have ANY timeout
;The following code results in a sampling window of 1/4 bit which meets the spec.
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
lds YL, usbSofCount
inc YL
sts usbSofCount, YL
#endif /* USB_COUNT_SOF */
rjmp sofError
;{3, 5} after falling D- edge, average delay: 4 cycles [we want 4 for center sampling]
;we have 1 bit time for setup purposes, then sample again. Numbers in brackets
;are cycles from center of first sync (double K) bit after the instruction
push YH ;2 [2]
lds YL, usbInputBufOffset;2 [4]
clr YH ;1 [5]
subi YL, lo8(-(usbRxBuf));1 [6]
sbci YH, hi8(-(usbRxBuf));1 [7]
sbis USBIN, USBMINUS ;1 [8] we want two bits K [sample 1 cycle too early]
rjmp haveTwoBitsK ;2 [10]
pop YH ;2 [11] undo the push from before
rjmp waitForK ;2 [13] this was not the end of sync, retry
; push more registers and initialize values while we sample the first bits:
push shift ;2 [16]
push x1 ;2 [12]
push x2 ;2 [14]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [17] <-- sample bit 0
ldi shift, 0xff ;1 [18]
bst x1, USBMINUS ;1 [19]
bld shift, 0 ;1 [20]
push x3 ;2 [22]
push cnt ;2 [24]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [25] <-- sample bit 1
ser x3 ;1 [26] [inserted init instruction]
eor x1, x2 ;1 [27]
bst x1, USBMINUS ;1 [28]
bld shift, 1 ;1 [29]
ldi cnt, USB_BUFSIZE;1 [30] [inserted init instruction]
rjmp rxbit2 ;2 [32]
; Receiver loop (numbers in brackets are cycles within byte after instr)
unstuff0: ;1 (branch taken)
andi x3, ~0x01 ;1 [15]
mov x1, x2 ;1 [16] x2 contains last sampled (stuffed) bit
in x2, USBIN ;1 [17] <-- sample bit 1 again
ori shift, 0x01 ;1 [18]
rjmp didUnstuff0 ;2 [20]
unstuff1: ;1 (branch taken)
mov x2, x1 ;1 [21] x1 contains last sampled (stuffed) bit
andi x3, ~0x02 ;1 [22]
ori shift, 0x02 ;1 [23]
nop ;1 [24]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [25] <-- sample bit 2 again
rjmp didUnstuff1 ;2 [27]
unstuff2: ;1 (branch taken)
andi x3, ~0x04 ;1 [29]
ori shift, 0x04 ;1 [30]
mov x1, x2 ;1 [31] x2 contains last sampled (stuffed) bit
nop ;1 [32]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [33] <-- sample bit 3
rjmp didUnstuff2 ;2 [35]
unstuff3: ;1 (branch taken)
in x2, USBIN ;1 [34] <-- sample stuffed bit 3 [one cycle too late]
andi x3, ~0x08 ;1 [35]
ori shift, 0x08 ;1 [36]
rjmp didUnstuff3 ;2 [38]
unstuff4: ;1 (branch taken)
andi x3, ~0x10 ;1 [40]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [41] <-- sample stuffed bit 4
ori shift, 0x10 ;1 [42]
rjmp didUnstuff4 ;2 [44]
unstuff5: ;1 (branch taken)
andi x3, ~0x20 ;1 [48]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [49] <-- sample stuffed bit 5
ori shift, 0x20 ;1 [50]
rjmp didUnstuff5 ;2 [52]
unstuff6: ;1 (branch taken)
andi x3, ~0x40 ;1 [56]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [57] <-- sample stuffed bit 6
ori shift, 0x40 ;1 [58]
rjmp didUnstuff6 ;2 [60]
; extra jobs done during bit interval:
; bit 0: store, clear [SE0 is unreliable here due to bit dribbling in hubs]
; bit 1: se0 check
; bit 2: overflow check
; bit 3: recovery from delay [bit 0 tasks took too long]
; bit 4: none
; bit 5: none
; bit 6: none
; bit 7: jump, eor
eor x3, shift ;1 [0] reconstruct: x3 is 0 at bit locations we changed, 1 at others
in x1, USBIN ;1 [1] <-- sample bit 0
st y+, x3 ;2 [3] store data
ser x3 ;1 [4]
nop ;1 [5]
eor x2, x1 ;1 [6]
bst x2, USBMINUS;1 [7]
bld shift, 0 ;1 [8]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [9] <-- sample bit 1 (or possibly bit 0 stuffed)
andi x2, USBMASK ;1 [10]
breq se0 ;1 [11] SE0 check for bit 1
andi shift, 0xf9 ;1 [12]
breq unstuff0 ;1 [13]
eor x1, x2 ;1 [14]
bst x1, USBMINUS;1 [15]
bld shift, 1 ;1 [16]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [17] <-- sample bit 2 (or possibly bit 1 stuffed)
andi shift, 0xf3 ;1 [18]
breq unstuff1 ;1 [19] do remaining work for bit 1
subi cnt, 1 ;1 [20]
brcs overflow ;1 [21] loop control
eor x2, x1 ;1 [22]
bst x2, USBMINUS;1 [23]
bld shift, 2 ;1 [24]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [25] <-- sample bit 3 (or possibly bit 2 stuffed)
andi shift, 0xe7 ;1 [26]
breq unstuff2 ;1 [27]
eor x1, x2 ;1 [28]
bst x1, USBMINUS;1 [29]
bld shift, 3 ;1 [30]
andi shift, 0xcf ;1 [31]
breq unstuff3 ;1 [32]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [33] <-- sample bit 4
eor x2, x1 ;1 [34]
bst x2, USBMINUS;1 [35]
bld shift, 4 ;1 [36]
andi shift, 0x9f ;1 [37]
breq unstuff4 ;1 [38]
nop2 ;2 [40]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [41] <-- sample bit 5
eor x1, x2 ;1 [42]
bst x1, USBMINUS;1 [43]
bld shift, 5 ;1 [44]
andi shift, 0x3f ;1 [45]
breq unstuff5 ;1 [46]
nop2 ;2 [48]
in x1, USBIN ;1 [49] <-- sample bit 6
eor x2, x1 ;1 [50]
bst x2, USBMINUS;1 [51]
bld shift, 6 ;1 [52]
cpi shift, 0x02 ;1 [53]
brlo unstuff6 ;1 [54]
nop2 ;2 [56]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [57] <-- sample bit 7
eor x1, x2 ;1 [58]
bst x1, USBMINUS;1 [59]
bld shift, 7 ;1 [60]
cpi shift, 0x04 ;1 [61]
brsh rxLoop ;2 [63] loop control
andi x3, ~0x80 ;1 [63]
ori shift, 0x80 ;1 [64]
in x2, USBIN ;1 [65] <-- sample stuffed bit 7
nop ;1 [66]
rjmp didUnstuff7 ;2 [68]
macro POP_STANDARD ; 12 cycles
pop cnt
pop x3
pop x2
pop x1
pop shift
pop YH
macro POP_RETI ; 5 cycles
pop YL
out SREG, YL
pop YL
#include "asmcommon.inc"
; Transmitting data
stuffN1Delay: ; [03]
ror shift ;[-5] [11] [59]
brcc doExorN1 ;[-4] [60]
subi x4, 1 ;[-3]
brne commonN1 ;[-2]
lsl shift ;[-1] compensate ror after rjmp stuffDelay
nop ;[00] stuffing consists of just waiting 8 cycles
rjmp stuffN1Delay ;[01] after ror, C bit is reliably clear
sendNakAndReti: ;0 [-19] 19 cycles until SOP
ldi x3, USBPID_NAK ;1 [-18]
rjmp usbSendX3 ;2 [-16]
sendAckAndReti: ;0 [-19] 19 cycles until SOP
ldi x3, USBPID_ACK ;1 [-18]
rjmp usbSendX3 ;2 [-16]
sendCntAndReti: ;0 [-17] 17 cycles until SOP
mov x3, cnt ;1 [-16]
usbSendX3: ;0 [-16]
ldi YL, 20 ;1 [-15] 'x3' is R20
ldi YH, 0 ;1 [-14]
ldi cnt, 2 ;1 [-13]
; rjmp usbSendAndReti fallthrough
; USB spec says:
; idle = J
; J = (D+ = 0), (D- = 1) or USBOUT = 0x01
; K = (D+ = 1), (D- = 0) or USBOUT = 0x02
; Spec allows 7.5 bit times from EOP to SOP for replies (= 60 cycles)
;pointer to data in 'Y'
;number of bytes in 'cnt' -- including sync byte
;uses: x1...x2, x4, shift, cnt, Y [x1 = mirror USBOUT, x2 = USBMASK, x4 = bitstuff cnt]
;Numbers in brackets are time since first bit of sync pattern is sent (start of instruction)
in x2, USBDDR ;[-12] 12 cycles until SOP
ori x2, USBMASK ;[-11]
sbi USBOUT, USBMINUS ;[-10] prepare idle state; D+ and D- must have been 0 (no pullups)
out USBDDR, x2 ;[-8] <--- acquire bus
in x1, USBOUT ;[-7] port mirror for tx loop
ldi shift, 0x40 ;[-6] sync byte is first byte sent (we enter loop after ror)
ldi x2, USBMASK ;[-5]
push x4 ;[-4]
eor x1, x2 ;[-2] [06] [62]
ldi x4, 6 ;[-1] [07] [63]
out USBOUT, x1 ;[00] [08] [64] <--- set bit
ror shift ;[01]
brcc doExorN2 ;[02]
subi x4, 1 ;[03]
brne commonN2 ;[04]
lsl shift ;[05] compensate ror after rjmp stuffDelay
rjmp stuffN2Delay ;[06] after ror, C bit is reliably clear
eor x1, x2 ;[04] [12]
ldi x4, 6 ;[05] [13]
nop ;[06] [14]
subi cnt, 171 ;[07] [15] trick: (3 * 171) & 0xff = 1
out USBOUT, x1 ;[08] [16] <--- set bit
brcs txBitloop ;[09] [25] [41]
ror shift ;[42] [50]
brcc doExor6 ;[43]
subi x4, 1 ;[44]
brne common6 ;[45]
lsl shift ;[46] compensate ror after rjmp stuffDelay
nop ;[47] stuffing consists of just waiting 8 cycles
rjmp stuff6Delay ;[48] after ror, C bit is reliably clear
eor x1, x2 ;[45] [53]
ldi x4, 6 ;[46]
ror shift ;[47] [55]
out USBOUT, x1 ;[48] <--- set bit
brcc doExor7 ;[49]
subi x4, 1 ;[50]
brne common7 ;[51]
lsl shift ;[52] compensate ror after rjmp stuffDelay
rjmp stuff7Delay ;[53] after ror, C bit is reliably clear
eor x1, x2 ;[51] [59]
ldi x4, 6 ;[52]
ld shift, y+ ;[53]
tst cnt ;[55]
out USBOUT, x1 ;[56] <--- set bit
brne txByteLoop ;[57]
;make SE0:
cbr x1, USBMASK ;[58] prepare SE0 [spec says EOP may be 15 to 18 cycles]
lds x2, usbNewDeviceAddr;[59]
lsl x2 ;[61] we compare with left shifted address
subi YL, 2 + 20 ;[62] Only assign address on data packets, not ACK/NAK in x3
sbci YH, 0 ;[63]
out USBOUT, x1 ;[00] <-- out SE0 -- from now 2 bits = 16 cycles until bus idle
;2006-03-06: moved transfer of new address to usbDeviceAddr from C-Code to asm:
;set address only after data packet was sent, not after handshake
breq skipAddrAssign ;[01]
sts usbDeviceAddr, x2 ; if not skipped: SE0 is one cycle longer
;end of usbDeviceAddress transfer
ldi x2, 1<<USB_INTR_PENDING_BIT;[03] int0 occurred during TX -- clear pending flag
ori x1, USBIDLE ;[05]
in x2, USBDDR ;[06]
cbr x2, USBMASK ;[07] set both pins to input
mov x3, x1 ;[08]
cbr x3, USBMASK ;[09] configure no pullup on both pins
pop x4 ;[10]
nop2 ;[12]
nop2 ;[14]
out USBOUT, x1 ;[16] <-- out J (idle) -- end of SE0 (EOP signal)
out USBDDR, x2 ;[17] <-- release bus now
out USBOUT, x3 ;[18] <-- ensure no pull-up resistors are active
rjmp doReturn
Į šią daly nušoka per PD2 tai yra INT0 ![Cool](images/smiles/icon_cool.gif) |
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USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 05 07, 01:24 |
Papildoma informacija:
J būsena tai ten kur varža, K priešinga.
Sinch baitas 0x80, pirma jauniausia NRZI kodu.
0x80 = 0b10000000
arba apverstas 00000001
0 siunčiant keičia, o 1 palieka ta pačia būsena.
Na je šesi 1 pridedamas Stuffed Bit... ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
![](/_sys/img/dot.gif) |
![](/_sys/img/dot.gif) |
![](templates/elektronikalt/images/folder.gif) |
USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 05 12, 09:27 |
Na pabandom pasiaiškinti:
USBMINUS = PIND3, prie šios kojos prijungtas pritraukiantis rezistorius 1.5 kom.
USBPLUS = PIND2, ir čia leistas pertraukimas INT0.
Atmega8 dirba 12Mhz.
Jei Hostas netrukdytų, tai ant USBMINUS =1, o USBPLUS =0.
Bet taip nebus...
Hostas pirmiausia sius Synch =0x80, NRZI ten kur 0 keičia priešingai, nei prieš tai. Pirmiausia sius jauniausią skiltį, ten 0 tai keis būseną.
Ką darys Atmega? USBMINUS =0, USBPLUS =1.
Atmega šoka į pertraukimą.
Kodas: |
push YL
push YL
Sukiša į steką YL ir SREG.
Ir nueina į laukimo kilpą.
Kodas: |
inc YL
brne waitForJ
Čia lauks kol USBMINUS = 1.
Tai reiškia, kad jis turi grįžti į J būseną, ten kur rezistorius.
Kai perėjo į K būseną, papuolė į pertraukimą, perėjo į J būseną išėjo iš laukimo kilpos, tai jis jau du bitukus sukramtė.
Sekanti kodo dalis:
Kodas: |
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
rjmp foundK
lds YL, usbSofCount
inc YL
sts usbSofCount, YL
#endif /* USB_COUNT_SOF */
rjmp sofError
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USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 06 28, 00:03 |
Gal kas nors disasembliavot šį kodą, galėtumėt pasidalinti... ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
![](templates/elektronikalt/images/folder.gif) |
USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2017 11 30, 20:46 |
Na kur asemblerio žinovai???? ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
![](templates/elektronikalt/images/folder.gif) |
USB iš vidaus: |
Parašytas: 2018 05 31, 11:38 |
krienas rašo: |
Na kur asemblerio žinovai???? ![Very Happy](images/smiles/icon_biggrin.gif) |
Meilė baigėsi. Išsislapstė po krūmais ir jau geras pusmetis kaip nebeišlenda
Būtų gerai rasti kažką panašaus ant C, "step-by-step" ir su pavyzdžiais. Pvz, kaip kolegos rusai ar indusai, būna, ką nors išblusinėja ir pateikia liaudžiai. Pasitreniravimui, be jokių Arduinų, nuo nulio, skant. Taigi, gal kur už akių užkliuvo paprastas 328p+usb sprendimas su C? |
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